Violent audiovisual content and social 5 consequences: The moderating role of 6 aggression in adolescents

Abstract: Numerous studies have linked the consumption of violent audiovisual
content to the increase of aggressive cognitions and behaviors. This research
aims to clarify whether the possible harmful consequences of violent video-games might vary depending on an individual variable such as trait aggressive-ness. A correlational study was carried out among 6,130 teenagers (average age of 13.8 years) from two European countries, in which it became evident, by means of multiple regression analyses, that there was a positive correlation between the use of violent videogames and aggressive behavioral intentions. More relevantly, these correlations were greater amongst those subjects with higher scores on the Aggression Scale. Finally, when analyzing the subjective experiences of users of violent videogames, the more aggressive individuals manifested a greater desire to imitate the characters of the interactive content, admitting that they ended up more agitated even when their initial objective was to relieve tension or relax. Practical and theoretical implications (e.g., Ca- tharsis theory) of those results are discussed.
